
How To Assign A Char To A Register Mips

C: Assembly Language (MIPS)

Pedagogy Fix Architectures

A typical modern CPU has

  • a gear up of data registers
  • a gear up of control registers (incl PC)
  • an arithmetics-logic unit (ALU)
  • admission to random access retentivity (RAM)
  • a set of elementary instructions
    • transfer data between memory and registers
    • push button values through the ALU to compute results
    • make tests and transfer command of execution

Dissimilar types of processors have different configurations of the above
  • e.g. different # registers, different sized registers, different instructions

Why Study Assembler? 3/114

Useful to know assembly language because ...

  • sometimes you are required to utilise information technology (e.g. device handlers)
  • improves your understanding of how C programs execute
    • very helpful when debugging
    • able to avert using known inefficient constructs
  • uber-nerdy performance tweaking (squeezing out last nano-due south)
    • re-write that disquisitional (frequently-used) function in assembler

Two wide families of instruction set architectures ...

RISC  (reduced educational activity set computer)

  • small(ish) set of unproblematic, general instructions
  • dissever computation & data transfer instructions
  • leading to simpler processor hardware
  • e.g. MIPS, RISC, Alpha, SPARC, PowerPC, ARM, ...
CISC  (circuitous instruction set computer)
  • large(r) set of powerful instructions
  • each instruction has multiple actions (comp+store)
  • more than circuitry to decode/process instructions
  • e.g. PDP, VAX, Z80, Motorola 68xxx, Intel x86, ...

... Instruction Sets 5/114

Machine-level instructions ...

  • typically have one-2 32-bit words per teaching
  • segmentation bits in each word into operator & operands
  • #bits for each depends on #instructions, #registers, ...
Instance instruction word formats:


Operands and destination are typically registers

... Education Sets half-dozen/114

Common kinds of instructions (not from any real machine)

  • load Annals , MemoryAddress
    • copy value stored in retentiveness at address into named register
  • loadc Annals , ConstantValue
    • copy value into named register
  • shop Register , MemoryAddress
    • copy value stored in named register into memory at address
  • leap MemoryAddress
    • transfer execution of program to instruction at address
  • jumpif Annals , MemoryAddress
    • transfer execution of program if east.g. register holds goose egg value

... Instruction Sets 7/114

Other mutual kinds of instructions (not from any real machine)

  • add together Annalsane , Register2 , Register3 (similarly for sub , mul , div )
    • Annals3 = Register1 + Register2
  • and Annals1 , Register2 , Registerthree (similarly for or , xor )
    • Register3 = Register1 & Annals2
  • neg Annals1 , Annalstwo
    • Annalsii = ~ Annals1
  • shiftl Annals1 , Value , Annals2 (similarly for shiftr )
    • Register2 = Annalsone << Value
  • syscall Value
    • invoke a system service; which service adamant by Value

... Instruction Sets 8/114


All CPUs have programme execution logic like:

while (1) {    instruction = memory[PC]    PC++        // move to next instr        if (instruction == HALT)       intermission    else       execute(teaching) }      

PC = Program Counter, a CPU register which keeps rails of execution

Note that some instructions may alter PC further (eastward.g. JUMP)

... Fetch-Execute Bike ten/114

Executing an pedagogy involves

  • decide what the operator is
  • decide which registers, if any, are involved
  • determine which retentiveness location, if any, is involved
  • deport out the operation with the relevant operands
  • shop result, if any, in appropriate annals
Example instruction encodings (non from a real car):


Instructions are only scrap patterns within a 32-bit bit-string

Could draw motorcar programs as a sequence of hex digits, e.grand.

Address   Content 0x100000  0x3c041001 0x100004  0x34020004 0x100008  0x0000000c 0x10000C  0x03e00008      

Often call "assembly language" every bit "assembler"

Slight notational abuse, because "assembler" besides refers to a program that translates assembly language to auto code

... Assembly Language 12/114

Assembler = symbolic language for writing machine lawmaking

  • write instructions using mnemonics rather than hex codes
  • reference registers using either numbers or names
  • tin can associate names to memory addresses

Style of expression is significantly unlike to eastward.chiliad. C
  • need to use fine-grained control of memory usage
  • required to manipulate information in registers
  • control structures programmed via explicit jumps

MIPS is a well-known and relatively simple architecture

  • very pop in a range of computing devices in the 1990's
  • due east.yard. Silicon Graphics, NEC, Nintendo64, Playstation, supercomputers
We consider the MIPS32 version of the MIPS family unit
  • using ii variants of the open up-source SPIM emulator
  • qtspim ... provides a GUI forepart-terminate, useful for debugging
  • spim ... command-line based version, useful for testing
  • xspim ... GUI front-end, useful for debugging, simply in CSE labs
Executables and source:

Source code for browsing under /habitation/cs1521/spim/spim

MIPS is a automobile compages, including educational activity prepare

SPIM is an emulator for the MIPS education set

  • reads text files containing instruction + directives
  • converts to machine code and loads into "memory"
  • provides debugging capabilities
    • single-pace, breakpoints, view registers/retentivity, ...
  • provides mechanism to interact with operating organisation (syscall)
As well provides extra instructions, mapped to MIPS cadre set
  • provide convenient/mnemonic ways to exercise common operations
  • east.1000. move $s0,$v0   rather than addu $s0,$0,$v0

3 ways to execute MIPS code with SPIM

  • spim ... command line tool
    • load programs using -file option
    • interact using stdin/stdout via login terminal
  • qtspim ... GUI environment
    • load programs via a load button
    • interact via a pop-upward stdin/stdout final
  • xspim ... GUI environment
    • like to qtspim , but not as pretty
    • requires X-windows server

Control-line tool:


GUI tool:


MIPS Machine Archtecture 18/114


  • 32 × 32-bit general purpose registers
  • 16 × 64-bit double-precision registers
  • PC ... 32-scrap register (ever aligned on 4-byte boundary)
  • HI,LO ... for storing results of multiplication and division
Registers tin be referred to as $0..$31 or by symbolic names

Some registers take special uses e.thou.

  • register $0 always has value 0, cannot be written
  • registers $1 , $26 , $27 reserved for utilise by arrangement
More details on post-obit slides ...

... MIPS Car Archtecture xix/114

Registers and their usage

Reg Name Notes
$0 zero the value 0, non changeable
$1 $at assembler temporary; used to implement pseudo-ops
$two $v0 value from expression evaluation or function return
$three $v1 value from expression evaluation or function return
$4 $a0 first argument to a role/subroutine, if needed
$5 $a1 second argument to a function/subroutine, if needed
$6 $a2 third argument to a function/subroutine, if needed
$7 $a3 fourth argument to a role/subroutine, if needed
$eight .. $15 $t0 .. $t7 temporary; must exist saved by caller to subroutine;
subroutine can overwrite

... MIPS Motorcar Archtecture 20/114

More register usage ...

Reg Proper name Notes
$16 .. $23 $s0 .. $s7 southwardafe office variable;
must non be overwritten by called subroutine
$24 .. $25 $t8 .. $t9 temporary; must exist saved by caller to subroutine;
subroutine can overwrite
$26 .. $27 $k0 .. $k1 for kernel use; may modify unexpectedly
$28 $gp global pointer
$29 $sp southwardtack pointer
$30 $fp frame pointer
$31 $ra return address of most recent caller

... MIPS Motorcar Archtecture 21/114

Floating point register usage ...

Reg Notes
$f0 .. $f2 hold floating-point function results
$f4 .. $f10 temporary registers; not preserved across role calls
$f12 .. $f14 used for first 2 double-precision function arguments
$f16 .. $f18 temporary registers; used for expression evaluation
$f20 .. $f30 saved registers; value is preserved across role calls


  • registers come in pairs of 2 × 32-bits
  • merely even registers are addressed for double-precision

MIPS Associates Language 22/114

MIPS assembly language programs comprise

  • comments ... introduced past #
  • labels ... appended with :
  • directives ... symbol kickoff with .
  • assembly language instructions
Programmers demand to specify
  • information objects that live in the data region
  • functions (instruction sequences) that live in the code/text region
Each didactics or directive appears on its own line

... MIPS Assembly Language 23/114

Example MIPS assembler program:

        # hello.southward ... print "Hello, MIPS"        .data        # the information segment        msg:        .asciiz        "Hello, MIPS\north"        .text        # the code segment        .globl        primary        main:        la $a0, msg        # load the argument cord        li $v0, iv        # load the system call (impress)        syscall        # print the cord        jr $ra        # return to caller (__start)      

Color coding: label, directive, comment

... MIPS Assembly Language 24/114

Generic structure of MIPS programs

        # Prog.southward ... annotate giving clarification of part        # Author ...        .data        # variable declarations follow this line        # ...        .text        # instructions follow this line                .globl primary main:        # indicates start of code        # (i.eastward. start user instruction to execute)        # ...        # Terminate of plan; leave a blank line to make SPIM happy      

... MIPS Associates Language 25/114

Another example MIPS assembler program:

        .data        a:        .word        42        # int a = 42;        b:        .space        four        # int b;        .text        .globl        main        primary:     lw   $t0, a        # reg[t0] = a        li   $t1, 8        # reg[t1] = viii        add  $t0, $t0, $t1        # reg[t0] = reg[t0]+reg[t1]        li   $t2, 666        # reg[t2] = 666        mult $t0, $t2        # (Lo,Hi) = reg[t0]*reg[t2]        mflo $t0        # reg[t0] = Lo        sw   $t0, b        # b = reg[t0]        ....      

... MIPS Associates Language 26/114

MIPS programs assume the following memory layout

Region Address Notes
text 0x00400000 contains but instructions; read-only; cannot expand
data 0x10000000 data objects; readable/writeable; tin exist expanded
stack 0x7fffefff grows downwardly from that address; readable/writeable
k_text 0x80000000 kernel lawmaking; read-only; only accessible kernel mode
k_data 0x90000000 kernel data; read/write; only accessible kernel mode

MIPS has several classes of instructions:

  • load and store .. transfer information between registers and memory
  • computational ... perform arithmetics/logical operations
  • bound and branch ... transfer control of program execution
  • coprocessor ... standard interface to diverse co-processors
  • special ... miscellaneous tasks (e.thousand. syscall)
And several addressing modes for each instruction
  • between retention and register (direct, indirect)
  • constant to annals (immediate)
  • register + annals + destination register

... MIPS Instructions 28/114

MIPS instructions are 32-bits long, and specify ...

  • an performance (eastward.g. load, shop, add, branch, ...)
  • one or more operands (e.grand. registers, retentiveness addresses, constants)
Some possible didactics formats


Memory addresses tin be given by

  • symbolic name (label) (effectively, a constant)
  • indirectly via a register (effectively, arrow dereferencing)
prog: a:    lw    $t0, var        # address via proper noun        b:    lw    $t0, ($s0)        # indirect addressing        c:    lw    $t0, 4($s0)        # indexed addressing      

If $s0 contains 0x10000000 and &var = 0x100000008

  • computed accost for a: is 0x100000008
  • computed accost for b: is 0x100000000
  • computed accost for c: is 0x100000004

... Addressing Modes 30/114

Addressing modes in MIPS

Format Address ciphering
(annals) accost = *register = contents of register
chiliad address = k
k(annals) accost = k + *annals
symbol address = &symbol = address of symbol
symbol ± k address = &symbol ± k
symbol ± k(register) address = &symbol ± (m + *register)

where thou is a literal abiding value (east.thousand. 4 or 0x10000000 )

... Addressing Modes 31/114

Examples of load/store and addressing:

                  .data vec: .space   16          # int vec[4], 16 bytes of storage          .text __start:        la  $t0, vec          # reg[t0] = &vec          li  $t1, 5          # reg[t1] = five          sw  $t1, ($t0)          # vec[0] = reg[t1]          li  $t1, 13          # reg[t1] = 13          sw  $t1, 4($t0)          # vec[ane] = reg[t1]          li  $t1, -7          # reg[t1] = -vii          sw  $t1, 8($t0)          # vec[2] = reg[t1]          li  $t2, 12          # reg[t2] = 12          li  $t1, 42          # reg[t1] = 42          sw  $t1, vec($t2)          # vec[three] = reg[t1]              

MIPS instructions can manipulate dissimilar-sized operands

  • unmarried bytes,   two bytes ("halfword"),   four bytes ("discussion")
Many instructions too have variants for signed and unsigned

Leads to many opcodes for a (conceptually) single operation, due east.g.

  • LB ... load one byte from specified address
  • LBU ... load unsigned byte from specified accost
  • LH ... load two bytes from specified address
  • LHU ... load unsigned 2-bytes from specified address
  • LW ... load 4 bytes (one word) from specified address
  • LA ... load the specified accost
All of the above specify a destination register

MIPS Instruction Set 33/114

The MIPS processor implements a base of operations gear up of instructions, east.thousand.

  • lw , sw , add , sub , and , or , sll , slt , beq , j , jal , ...
Augmented by a ready of pseudo-instructions, east.g.
  • move , rem , la , li , blt , ...
Each pseudo-instruction maps to i or more base instructions, e.g.
Pseudo-educational activity       Base education(south)        li        $t5, const          ori  $t5, $0, const        la        $t3, label          lui  $at, &label[31..xvi]                          ori  $t3, $at, &label[15..0]        bge        $t1, $t2, label     slt  $at, $t1, $t2                          beq  $at, $0, label        blt        $t1, $t2, label     slt  $at, $t1, $t2                          bne  $at, $0, label      

Note: use of $at register for intermediate results

... MIPS Instruction Set 34/114

In describing instructions:

Syntax Semantics
$Reg as source, the content of the register, reg[Reg]
$Reg every bit destination, value is stored in register, reg[Reg] = value
Label references the associated address (in C terms, &Label)
Addr any expression that yields an address (e.g. Label($Reg))
Addr as source, the content of memory cellmemory[Addr]
Addr as destination, value is stored inmemory[Addr] = value

Effectively ...

  • treat registers asunsigned int reg[32]
  • care for memory asunsigned char mem[two32]

... MIPS Instruction Ready 35/114

Examples of data movement instructions:

                  la          $t1,label          # reg[t1] = &characterization          lw   $t1,label          # reg[t1] = memory[&label]          sw   $t3,label          # memory[&label] = reg[t3]          # &label must be four-byte aligned          lb   $t2,characterization          # reg[t2] = retentiveness[&characterization]          sb   $t4,label          # memory[&characterization] = reg[t4]          move          $t2,$t3          # reg[t2] = reg[t3]          lui  $t2,const          # reg[t2][31:16] = const              

Examples of fleck manipulation instructions:

                  and  $t0,$t1,$t2          # reg[t0] = reg[t1] & reg[t2]          and  $t0,$t1,Imm          # reg[t0] = reg[t1] & Imm[t2]          # Imm is a abiding (immediate)          or   $t0,$t1,$t2          # reg[t0] = reg[t1] | reg[t2]          xor  $t0,$t1,$t2          # reg[t0] = reg[t1] ^ reg[t2]          neg          $t0,$t1          # reg[t0] = ~ reg[t1]              

... MIPS Teaching Gear up 36/114

Examples of arithmetic instructions:

                  add  $t0,$t1,$t2          # reg[t0] = reg[t1] + reg[t2]          #   add equally signed (ii's complement) ints          sub  $t2,$t3,$t4          # reg[t2] = reg[t3] + reg[t4]          addi $t2,$t3, 5          # reg[t2] = reg[t3] + 5          #   "add immediate" (no sub firsthand)          addu $t1,$t6,$t7          # reg[t1] = reg[t6] + reg[t7]          #   add every bit unsigned integers          subu $t1,$t6,$t7          # reg[t1] = reg[t6] + reg[t7]          #   subtract every bit unsigned integers          mult $t3,$t4          # (Hi,Lo) = reg[t3] * reg[t4]          #   shop 64-bit result in registers Hello,Lo          div  $t5,$t6          # Lo = reg[t5] / reg[t6] (integer quotient)          # Hi = reg[t5] % reg[t6] (remainder)          mfhi $t0          # reg[t0] = reg[Hello]          mflo $t1          # reg[t1] = reg[Lo]          # used to get effect of MULT or DIV              

... MIPS Didactics Set up 37/114

Examples of testing and branching instructions:

                  seq  $t7,$t1,$t2          # reg[t7] = 1 if (reg[t1]==reg[t2])          # reg[t7] = 0 otherwise            (signed)                    slt  $t7,$t1,$t2          # reg[t7] = 1 if (reg[t1] < reg[t2])          # reg[t7] = 0 otherwise            (signed)                    slti $t7,$t1,Imm          # reg[t7] = ane if (reg[t1] < Imm)          # reg[t7] = 0 otherwise            (signed)                    j    label          # PC = &label          jr   $t4          # PC = reg[t4]          beq  $t1,$t2,label          # PC = &label if (reg[t1] == reg[t2])          bne  $t1,$t2,label          # PC = &characterization if (reg[t1] != reg[t2])          bgt          $t1,$t2,label          # PC = &label if (reg[t1] > reg[t2])          bltz $t2,label          # PC = &label if (reg[t2] < 0)          bnez $t3,label          # PC = &label if (reg[t3] != 0)              

Later on each co-operative didactics, execution continues at new PC location

... MIPS Educational activity Set 38/114

Special jump instruction for invoking functions

                  jal  label          # brand a subroutine phone call          # save PC in $ra, fix PC to &label          # utilise $a0,$a1 equally params, $v0 as return              


... MIPS Pedagogy Prepare 39/114

SPIM interacts with stdin/stdout via syscall south

Service Code Arguments Result
print_int ane $a0 = integer
print_float 2 $f12 = float
print_double 3 $f12 = double
print_string 4 $a0 = char *
read_int 5 integer in $v0
read_float 6 float in $f0
read_double 7 double in $f0
read_string 8 $a0 = buffer, $a1 = length string in buffer
(including "\northward\0")

... MIPS Educational activity Set twoscore/114

Directives (instructions to assembler, non MIPS instructions)

                  .text          # following instructions placed in text          .data          # following objects placed in information          .globl          # make symbol bachelor globally          a:  .space 18          # uchar a[18];  or  uint a[four];          .align ii          # align next object on 2ii-byte addr          i:  .word 2          # unsigned int i = two;          v:  .word i,3,5          # unsigned int five[3] = {1,3,5};          h:  .one-half 2,iv,6          # unsigned short h[3] = {2,iv,six};          b:  .byte 1,2,3          # unsigned char b[3] = {1,ii,3};          f:  .float 3.14          # float f = iii.14;          due south:  .asciiz "abc"          # char s[4] {'a','b','c','\0'};          t:  .ascii "abc"          # char s[3] {'a','b','c'};              

Writing straight in MIPS assembler is difficult (impossible?)

Strategy for producing likely correct MIPS code

  • develop the solution in C
  • map to "simplified" C
  • interpret each simplified C statement to MIPS instructions
Simplified C
  • does non have while , switch , complex expressions
  • does have simple if , goto , ane-operator expressions
  • does not have function calls and auto local variables
  • does accept jump-and-remember-where-you-came-from

... MIPS Programming 42/114

Example translating C to MIPS:

C             Simplified C   MIPS Assembler ------------  ------------   -------------- int x = five;    int ten = 5;     x:  .discussion v int y = iii;    int y = 3;     y:  .word three int z;        int z;         z:  .space iv               int t;                                       lw  $t0, 10                              lw  $t1, y z = 5*(x+y);   t = ten+y;      add $t0, $t0, $t1                              li  $t1, 5                t = five*t;      mul $t0, $t0, $t1                z = t;        sw  $t0, z      

... MIPS Programming 43/114

Simplified C makes extensive use of

  • labels ... symbolic proper noun for C statement
  • goto ... transfer control to labelled statement
Standard C            Simplified C ------------------    ------------------ i = 0; n = 0;         i = 0; due north = 0;  while (i < v) {        loop:        north = n + i;           if (i >= 5)        goto        end;    i++;                 northward = n + i; }                       i++;        goto        loop;        stop:      

... MIPS Programming 44/114

Beware: registers are shared by all parts of the lawmaking.

Ane function can overwrite value set by another office

int x;        // commencement global variable        int y;        // second global variable        int main(void)          int f(int n) {                       {    10 = five;                  y = 1;    y = f(10);               for (10 = ane; ten <= n; x++)    printf("...",10,y);         y = y * x;    return 0;               return y; }                       }      

After the role, x == half dozen and y == 120

It is sheer coincidence that y has the correct value.

... MIPS Programming 45/114

Demand to be careful managing registers

  • follow the conventions implied by register names
  • preserve values that need to be saved across function calls
Inside a function
  • yous manage annals usage every bit you like
  • typically making use of $t? registers
When making a function call
  • you transfer control to a separate slice of code
  • which may alter the value of any non-preserved register
  • $s? registers must be preserved past function
  • $a? , $v? , $t? registers may exist modified past function

Rendering C in MIPS 46/114

C provides expression evaluation and consignment, e.g.

  • x = (1 + y*y) / 2;   z = i.0 / 2; ...
MIPS provides annals-register operations, due east.grand.
  • move Rd,Rdue south , li Rd,Const , add , div , and , ...
C provides a range of control structures
  • sequence ( ; ), if , while , for , break , go along , ...
MIPS provides testing/branching instructions
  • seq , slti , sltu , ..., beq , bgtz , bgezal , ..., j , jr , jal , ...
Nosotros demand to render C's structures in terms of testing/branching

Sequence is like shooting fish in a barrel Due south1 ; S2 mips(Sone) mips(S2)

... Rendering C in MIPS 47/114

Elementary case of assignment and sequence:

int x;        x: .space 4 int y;        y: .infinite 4  x = 2;           li   $t0, 2                  sw   $t0, 10  y = x;           lw   $t0, ten                  sw   $t0, y  y = x+3;         lw   $t0, x                  addi $t0, 3                  sw   $t0, y      

Arithmetics Expressions 48/114

Expression evaluation involves

  • describing the procedure as a sequence of binary operations
  • managing data flow between the operations
# ten = (ane + y*y) / 2    lw   $t0, y             mul  $t0, $t0, $t0      addi $t0, $t0, one        li   $t1, 2             div  $t0, $t1           mflo $t0                sw   $t0, ten                

It is useful to minimise the number of registers involved in the evaluation

Conditional Statements 49/114

Conditional statements (e.g. if )

Standard C                Simplified C ------------------------  ------------------------        if_stat:        if (Cond)                   t0 = (Cond)    {        Statements1                }          if (t0 == 0) else                           goto else_part;    {        Statementsii                }        Statements1                goto end_if;        else_part:        Statementstwo                end_if:      

... Conditional Statements 50/114

Conditional statements (due east.g. if )

        if_stat:        if (Cond)                  t0 = evaluate (Cond)    {        Statements1                }        beqz        $t0,        else_part        else                       execute        Statementsi                {        Statementsii                }        j        end_if        else_part:        execute        Statementsii                end_if:      

... Provisional Statements 51/114

Example of if-then-else:

                  int ten;           ten is $t0 int y;           y is $t1 char z;          z is $a0  x = getInt();    li   $v0, five                  syscall                  move $t0, $v0  y = getInt();    li   $v0, 5                  syscall                  motility $t1, $v0  if (ten == y)      bne  $t0, $t1, printN    z = 'Y';    setY:                  li   $a0, 'Y'                  j    impress else           setN:    z = 'N';      li   $a0, 'N'                  j    print          # redundant          print: putChar(z);      li   $v0, xi                  syscall              

... Conditional Statements 52/114

Could make switch by offset converting to if

switch (Expr) {              tmp = Expr; instance Valone:                   if (tmp == Val1)    Statements1        ; break;         { Statements1; } case Val2:                   else if (tmp == Val2        instance Valiii:                            || tmp == Valiii        example Val4:                            || tmp == Val4)    Statements2        ; interruption;         { Statements2; } case Val5:                   else if (tmp == Valv)    Statements3        ; interruption;         { Statements3; } default:                     else    Statements4        ; pause;         { Statements4; } }      

... Provisional Statements 53/114

Jump table: an alternative implementation of switch

  • works best for minor, dense range of case values (e.g. ane..10)
                  jump_tab:                                 .word c1, c2, c2, c2, c3                              switch:                                  t0 = evaluate Expr switch (Expr) {                  if (t0 < i || t0 > 5) instance 1:                             jump to default    Statements1          ; break;          dest = jump_tab[(t0-1)*4] case ii:                          jump to dest case 3:                      c1: execute Statements1          case 4:                          bound to end_switch    Statements2          ; break;      c2: execute Statementstwo          instance 5:                          jump to end_switch    Statements3          ; break;      c3: execute Statements3          default:                         jump to end_switch    Statements4          ; break;      default: }                                execute Statementsiv          end_switch:              

Boolean Expressions 54/114

Boolean expressions in C are short circuit

(Condane        && Cond2        && ... && Condn)      

Evaluates by

  • evaluate Cond1 ; if 0 then return 0 for whole expression
  • evaluate Cond2 ; if 0 then return 0 for whole expression
  • ...
  • evaluate Condn ; if 0 then return 0 for whole expression
  • otherwise, return 1
In C, whatsoever non-nothing value is treated as true; MIPS tends to use 1 for true

C99 standard defines return value for booleans expressions equally 0 or ane

... Boolean Expressions 55/114

Similarly for disjunctions

(Cond1        || Condii        || ... || Condnorth)      

Evaluates by

  • evaluate Cond1 ; if !0 so return 1 for whole expression
  • evaluate Condtwo ; if !0 and then return one for whole expression
  • ...
  • evaluate Condn ; if !0 then return 1 for whole expression
  • otherwise, render 1
In C, whatever non-zilch value is treated every bit true; MIPS tends to apply one for true

C99 standard defines render value for booleans expressions as 0 or 1

Iteration Statements 56/114

Iteration (east.g. while )

        top_while:        while (Cond) {           t0 = evaluate Cond    Statements;        beqz        $t0,end_while        }                        execute Statements        j        top_while        end_while:      

Treat for as a special case of while

        i = 0 for (i = 0; i < Northward; i++) {       while (i < North) {     Statements;                    Statements; }                                  i++;                                 }      

... Iteration Statements 57/114

Example of iteration over an array:

                  int sum, i;               sum: .word 4        int a[5] = {1,3,5,7,9};   a:   .discussion 1,three,5,7,9 ...                            ... sum = 0;                       li   $t0, 0                                   li   $t1, 0                                   li   $t2, iv    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)   for: bgt  $t0, $t2, end_for                                move $t3, $t0                                mul  $t3, $t3, 4    sum += a[i];                add  $t1, $t1, a($t3) printf("%d",sum);              addi $t0, $t0, 1                                   j    for                       end_for: sw   $t1, sum                                move $a0, $t1                                 li   $v0, 1                                syscall                     

When nosotros call a function:

  • the arguments are evaluated and set upwardly for function
  • command is transferred to the code for the part
  • local variables are created
  • the function lawmaking is executed in this environment
  • the render value is set up
  • control transfers dorsum to where the office was called from
  • the caller receives the render value

Data associated with function calls is placed on the MIPS stack.


Each part allocates a pocket-sized section of the stack (a frame)

  • used for: saved registers, local variables, parameters to callees
  • created in the function prologue (pushed)
  • removed in the function epilogue (popped)

Why we use a stack:
  • function f() calls g() which calls h()
  • h() runs, and so finishes and returns to g()
  • grand() continues, then finishes and returns to f()
i.e. last-called, exits-first (last-in, first-out) behaviour

How stack changes as functions are called and return:


Register usage conventions when f() calls g() :

  • caller saved registers (saved by f() )
    • f() tells g() "If there is anything I want to preserve in these registers, I have already saved it before calling yous"
    • g() tells f() "Don't assume that these registers will be unchanged when I render to you"
    • due thousand. $t0 .. $t9 , $a0 .. $a3 , $ra
  • callee saved registers (saved by g() )
    • f() tells 1000() "I presume the values of these registers will be unchanged when you return"
    • g() tells f() "If I demand to use these registers, I volition save them first and restore them before returning"
    • eastward.g. $s0 .. $s7 , $sp , $fp

Contents of a typical stack frame:


Aside: MIPS Branch Delay Slots 64/114

The real MIPS architecture is "pipelined" to better efficiency

  • one instruction tin can outset before the previous i finishes
For branching instructions (e.g. jal ) ...
  • didactics following branch is executed earlier branch completes
To avoid potential issues use nop immediately after branch

A problem scenario, and its solution (branch delay slot):

# Implementation of        print(compute(42))        li   $a0, 42           li   $a0, 42 jal  compute           jal  compute move $a0, $v0          nop jal  print             motion $a0,$v0                        jal  impress      

Since SPIM is not pipelined, the nop is not required

Aside: Why practise we need both $fp and $sp? 65/114

During execution of a function

  • $sp tin alter (e.g. pushing params, adding local vars)
  • may demand to reference local vars on the stack
  • useful if they can be divers by an offset relative to stock-still betoken
  • $fp provides a fixed indicate during role lawmaking execution

                  int f(int x) {    int y = 0;          // y created in prologue          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)          // i created in for-loop          y += i;          //     which changes $sp          return y; }              

Part Calling Protocol 66/114

Before one office calls some other, information technology needs to

  • place 64-bit double args in $f12 and $f14
  • place 32-bit arguments in the $a0 .. $a3
  • if more than four args, or args larger than 32-bits ...
    • push value of all such args onto stack
  • relieve whatsoever non- $s? registers that need to be preserved
    • push value of all such registers onto stack
  • jal address of function (normally given past a label)
Pushing value of thousand. $t0 onto stack means:
addi $sp, $sp, -four sw   $t0, ($sp)      

... Function Calling Protocol 67/114

Instance: simple function telephone call

int principal() {        // x is $s0, y is $s1, z is $s2        int x = five; int y = 7; int z;    ...    z = sum(x,y,30);    ... }  int sum(int a, int b, int c) {    return a+b+c; }      

... Function Calling Protocol 68/114

Simple function phone call:


... Role Calling Protocol 69/114

Execution of sum() office:


... Role Calling Protocol 70/114

Example: function f() calls function g(a,b,c,d,e,f)

int f(...) {            int a,b,c,d,e,f;    ...    a = g(a,b,c,d,e,f);    ... } int thousand(int u,v,w,10,y,z) {    return u+v+westward*w*x*y*z; }      

... Function Calling Protocol 71/114

Function call in MIPS:


... Function Calling Protocol 72/114

Execution of chiliad() function:


Structure of Functions 73/114

Functions in MIPS have the following general structure:

                  # outset of function          FuncName:          #          function prologue          #   prepare stack frame ($fp, $sp)    #   save relevant registers (incl. $ra)    ...    #          part body          #   perform computation using $a0, etc.    #   leaving issue in          $v0          ...    #          function epilogue          #   restore saved registers (esp. $ra)    #   clean up stack frame ($fp, $sp)          jr  $ra              

Aim of prologue: create environment for function to execute in.

Before a part starts working, it needs to ...

  • create a stack frame for itself  (change $fp and $sp )
  • save the return address ( $ra ) in the stack frame
  • save any $due south? registers that it plans to change
We can determine the initial size of the stack frame via
  • 4 bytes for saved $fp + iv bytes for saved $ra
  • + 4 bytes for each saved $southward?
Changing $fp and $sp ...
  • new $fp = old $sp - four
  • new $sp = old $sp - size of frame (in bytes)

... Function Prologue 75/114

Example of function fx() , which uses $s0 , $s1 , $s2


... Function Prologue 76/114

Alternatively ... (more explicit push )


... Function Prologue 77/114

Alternatively ... (relative to new $fp )


Before a function returns, it needs to ...

  • place the return value in $v0 (and maybe $v1 )
  • popular any pushed arguments off the stack
  • restore the values of whatsoever saved $s? registers
  • restore the saved value of $ra (return accost)
  • remove its stack frame  (change $fp and $sp )
  • return to the calling function   ( jr $ra )
Locations of saved values computed relative to $fp

Changing $fp and $sp ...

  • new $sp = onetime $fp + four
  • new $fp = memory[ old $fp]

... Function Epilogue 79/114

Instance of function fx() , which uses $s0 , $s1 , $s2


Data Structures and MIPS 80/114

C data structures and their MIPS representations:

  • char ... as byte in memory, or low-order byte in register
  • int ... as word in memory, or whole annals
  • double ... as ii-words in memory, or $f? register
  • arrays ... sequence of memory bytes/words, accessed past index
  • structs ... chunk of memory, accessed by fields/offsets
  • linked structures ... struct containing address of another struct
A char , int or double
  • could be implemented in register if used in pocket-sized scope
  • could be implemented on stack if local to function
  • could be implemented in .data if need longer persistence

Static vs Dynamic Allocation 81/114

Static allotment:

  • uninitialised memory allocated at compile/gather-time, e.yard.
    int  val;              val: .infinite 4 char str[20];          str: .infinite 20 int  vec[20];          vec: .space eighty          
  • initialised memory allocated at compile/assemble-time, thousand.
    int val = five;                 val: .word five int arr[4] = {9,8,7,6};      arr: .word 9, 8, 7, vi char *msg = "Hello\n";       msg: .asciiz "Hello\north"          

... Static vs Dynamic Allocation 82/114

Dynamic allocation (i):

  • variables local to a function
Prefer to put local vars in registers, but if cannot ...
  • use space allocated on stack during part prologue
  • referenced during function relative to $fp
  • space reclaimed from stack in role epilogue
int fx(int a[]) {        int i, j, max;        i = 1; j = two; max = i+j;    ... }      

... Static vs Dynamic Allocation 83/114

Example of local variables on the stack:


... Static vs Dynamic Resource allotment 84/114

Dynamic allocation (ii):

  • uninitialised cake of memory allocated at run-time
    int  *ptr = malloc(sizeof(int)); char *str = malloc(20*sizeof(char)); int  *vec = malloc(20*sizeof(int));  *ptr = five; strcpy(str, "a cord"); vec[0] = 1;            // or  *vec = one;            vec[i] = 6;          
  • initialised block of memory allocated at run-time
    int *vec = calloc(20, sizeof(int));            // vec[i] == 0, for i in 0..19          

... Static vs Dynamic Allocation 85/114

SPIM doesn't provide malloc() / free() functions

  • simply provides syscall ix to extend .information
  • before syscall , gear up $a0 to the number of bytes requested
  • later on syscall , $v0 holds start address of allocated clamper
li   $a0, 20        # $v0 = malloc(20)        li   $v0, 9 syscall move $s0, $v0        # $s0 = $v0      

Cannot admission allocated data by name; need to retain address.

No mode to free allocated data, and no way to align data appropriately

... Static vs Dynamic Allocation 86/114

Implementing C-similar malloc() and free() in MIPS requires

  • a complete implementation of C's heap management, i.e.
  • a big region of memory to manage ( syscall 9)
  • power to mark chunks of this region as "in utilize" (with size)
  • ability to maintain listing of complimentary chunks
  • ability to merge free chunks to prevent fragmentation


Can be named/initialised as noted in a higher place:

vec:  .space 40        # could exist either int vec[10] or char vec[xl]        nums: .word 1, iii, v, 7, ix        # int nums[6] = {1,3,five,seven,9}      

Tin access elements via index or cursor (arrow)

  • either approach needs to account for size of elements
Arrays passed to functions via arrow to outset element
  • must besides pass assortment size, since not bachelor elsewhere
See sumOf() exercise for an instance of passing an array to a role

... i-d Arrays in MIPS 88/114

Scanning across an assortment of N elements using index

        # int vec[10] = {...}; # int i; # for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) #    printf("%d\n", vec[i]);        li   $s0, 0        # i = 0        li   $s1, 10        # no of elements        li   $s2, 4        # sizeof each element        loop:     bge  $s0, $s1, end_loop        # if (i >= ten) interruption        mul  $t0, $s0, $s2        # index -> byte start        lw   $a0, vec($t0)        # a0 = vec[i]        jal  print        # print a0        addi $s0, $s0, 1        # i++        j    loop end_loop:      

Assumes the existence of a print() function to do printf("%d\n",10)

... 1-d Arrays in MIPS 89/114

Scanning beyond an array of N elements using cursor

        # int vec[10] = {...}; # int *cur, *finish = &vec[10]; # for (cur = vec; cur < end; cur++) #    printf("%d\n", *cur);        la   $s0, vec        # cur = &vec[0]        la   $s1, vec+40        # cease = &vec[10]        loop:    bge  $s0, $s1, end_loop        # if (cur >= end) interruption        lw   $a0, ($s0)        # a0 = *cur        jal  impress        # print a0        addi $s0, $s0, four        # cur++        j    loop end_loop:      

Assumes the being of a print() role to practice printf("%d\northward",x)

... ane-d Arrays in MIPS 90/114

Arrays that are local to functions are allocated infinite on the stack

                  fun:                         int fun(int x)          # prologue          {    addi $sp, $sp, -4    sw   $fp, ($sp)    move $fp, $sp    addi $sp, $sp, -4    sw   $ra, ($sp)              // push button a[] onto stack    addi $sp, $sp, -40           int a[10];    move $s0, $sp                int *s0 = a;          # office trunk          ... compute ...              // compute using s0          # epilogue          // to admission a[]    addi $sp, $sp, forty            // pop a[] off stack    lw   $ra, ($sp)    addi $sp, $sp, iv    lw   $fp, ($sp)    addi $sp, $sp, 4    jr   $ra                  }              

2-d arrays could be represented ii ways:


... 2-d Arrays in MIPS 92/114

Representations of int matrix[4][4] ...

        # for strategy (a)        matrix: .space 64        # for strategy (b)        row0:   .space 16 row1:   .infinite 16 row2:   .infinite 16 row3:   .infinite 16 matrix: .discussion row0, row1, row2, row3      

Now consider summing all elements

int i, j, sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)       sum += matrix[i][j];      

... two-d Arrays in MIPS 93/114

Accessing elements:


... ii-d Arrays in MIPS 94/114

Calculating sum of all elements for strategy (a) int matrix[4][four]

                  li  $s0, 0          # sum = 0          li  $s1, 4          # s1 = 4 (and sizeof int)          li  $s2, 0          # i = 0          li  $s3, 16          # sizeof row in bytes          loop1:    beq  $s2, $s1, end1          # if (i >= 4) break          li   $s3, 0          # j = 0          loop2:    beq  $s3, $s1, end2          # if (j >= 4) break          mul  $t0, $s2, $s3          # off = iv*4*i + 4*j          mul  $t1, $s3, $s1          #  matrix[i][j] is          add  $t0, $t0, $t1          #  done equally *(matrix+off)          lw   $t0, matrix($t0)          # t0 = matrix[i][j]          add  $s0, $s0, $t0          # sum += t0          addi $s3, $s3, ane          # j++          j    loop2 end2:    addi $s2, $s2, i          # i++          j    loop1 end1:              

... ii-d Arrays in MIPS 95/114

Computing sum of all elements for strategy (b) int matrix[four][4]

                  li  $s0, 0          # sum = 0          li  $s1, 4          # s1 = 4 (sizeof(int))          li  $s2, 0          # i = 0          loop1:    beq  $s2, $s1, end1          # if (i >= 4) suspension          li   $s3, 0          # j = 0          mul  $t0, $s2, $s1          # off = 4*i          lw   $s4, matrix($t0)          # row = &matrix[i][0]          loop2:    beq  $s3, $s1, end2          # if (j >= 4) pause          mul  $t0, $s3, $s1          # off = four*j          add  $t0, $t0, $s4          # int *p = &row[j]          lw   $t0, ($t0)          # t0 = *p          add  $s0, $s0, $t0          # sum += t0          addi $s3, $s3, i          # j++          j    loop2 end2:    addi $s2, $s2, 1          # i++          j    loop1 end1:              

C struct due south hold a collection of values accessed past proper noun


... Structs in MIPS 97/114

C struct definitions effectively ascertain a new type.

        // new type called struct _student        struct _student {...};        // new type called Student        typedef struct _student Educatee;      

Instances of structures can exist created by allocating space:

        // sizeof(Student) == 56        stu1:             Student stu1;    .space 56 stu2:             Student stu2;    .space 56 stu:    .space 4       Student *stu;      

... Structs in MIPS 98/114

Accessing structure components is by offset, non proper name

li  $t0  5012345 sw  $t0,        stu1+0        # = 5012345; li  $t0, 3778 sw  $t0,        stu1+44        # stu1.program = 3778; la  $s1, stu2         # stu = & stu2; li  $t0, 3707 sw  $t0,        44($s1)        # stu->program = 3707; li  $t0, 5034567 sw  $t0,        0($s1)        # stu->id = 5034567;      

... Structs in MIPS 99/114

Structs that are local to functions are allocated space on the stack

                  fun:                         int fun(int x)          # prologue          {    addi $sp, $sp, -4    sw   $fp, ($sp)    movement $fp, $sp    addi $sp, $sp, -4    sw   $ra, ($sp)              // push onto stack          addi $sp, $sp, -56          Pupil st;          motion $t0, $sp          Student *t0 = &st;          # function trunk          ... compute ...              // compute using t0          # epilogue          // to access struct          addi $sp, $sp, 56          // pop st off stack    lw   $ra, ($sp)    addi $sp, $sp, 4    lw   $fp, ($sp)    addi $sp, $sp, 4    jr   $ra                  }              

... Structs in MIPS 100/114

C can laissez passer whole structures to functions, e.g.

                  # Pupil stu; ... # // ready values in stu struct # showStudent(stu);          .information stu: .space 56    .text    ...    la   $t0, stu    addi $sp, $sp, -56          # button Student object onto stack          lw   $t1, 0($t0)          # allocate space and copy all          sw   $t1, 0($sp)          # values in Student object          lw   $t1, 4($t0)          # onto stack          sw   $t1, 4($sp)    ...    lw   $t1, 52($t0)          # and once whole object copied          sw   $t1, 52($sp)    jal  showStudent          # invoke showStudent()          ...              

... Structs in MIPS 101/114

Accessing struct inside function ...


... Structs in MIPS 102/114

Can likewise pass a pointer to a struct

                  # Student stu; # // set values in stu struct # changeWAM(&stu, float newWAM);          .data stu: .infinite 56 wam: .space 4    .text    ...    la   $a0, stu    lw   $a1, wam    jal  changeWAM    ...              

Clearly a more efficient way to pass a large struct

Likewise, required if the function needs to update the original struct

Compiling C to MIPS 103/114

Using simplified C as an intermediate language

  • makes things easier for a human to prodcue MIPS lawmaking
  • does not provide an automatic way of translating
  • this is provided by a compiler (east.thousand. dcc )
What does the compiler need to do to convert C to MIPS?
  • catechumen #include and #ascertain
  • parse code to check syntactically valid
  • manage a list of symbols used in program
  • decide how to represent information structures
  • allocate local variables to registers or stack
  • map control structures to MIPS instructions

Maps C→C, performing various substitutions

  • #include File
    • replace #include by contents of file
    • " name .h" ... uses named File .h
    • < name .h> ... uses File .h in /usr/include
  • #ascertain Name Abiding
    • replace all occurences of symbol Name by Constant
    • e.g #define MAX v
      char array[MAX] char array[5]
  • #define Proper noun ( Params ) Expression
    • supercede Proper name ( Params ) by SubstitutedExpression
    • e.g. #define max(x,y) ((x > y) ? 10 : y)
      a = max(b,c) a = ((b > c) ? b : c)

... C Pre-processor 105/114

More C pre-processor substitions

                  Before cpp                          Afterward cpp                x = 5;                    x = 5;        #if 0        ten = x + 2; x = x + 1;                printf("x=%d\n",x);        #else        x = x * 2; x = x + 2;        

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